7 July 2021: Preparations for the next academic year

Secretariat 5 July 2021

This meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary University Group is being held to discuss preparations for the next academic year, including student support, educational recovery, Covid-planning and admissions.


5:00pm               Daniel Zeichner MP, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary University Group

c5:05pm             Professor Debra Humphris, Vice-Chancellor, University of Brighton and Chair, University Alliance

c5:15pm             Geoff Barton, General Secretary, the Association of School & College Leaders (ASCL)

c5:25pm             Chris Havergal, News Editor, Times Higher Education

c5:35pm             Vivienne Stern, Director, Universities UK International 

c5:40pm             Questions, comments, and discussion with university leaders, MPs and peers

6:15pm               Meeting concludes